Vineyard Family Camp Out

Come join us at Caesar Creek for a memorable family camping experience under the stars.

Vineyard Family Camp Out

April 26th - 27th

Come join us at Caesar Creek for a memorable family camping experience under the stars. This will be the perfect chance to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation alongside friends and family. Throughout the evening we will enjoy campfire worship, games, and tons of great quality time. The cost is $40 per family which includes 3 meals, camping, and all activities. If you’d prefer to bring your own food, the cost will then be $20 per family. There will be flushing toilets on site, but no electrcity.



Arrive at camp, set up tents and hangout (5-7PM)

Dinner (7PM)

Activities after dinner: 

  • S’mores & Sparklers 
  • Worship & Devotional at the campfire 
  • Optional late night hangout on the beach or go to sleep 



Worship & Devotional time with family

Scavenger hunt

Nature craft 

Eat lunch 

Leave Campsite (12:45P)